Shareholders in Enel Américas

Enel Américas S.A. is a private electricity company and participates directly and indirectly in the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity and other related businesses.

It has operations in seven South American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Panama.

Economic stake as of december 31, 2022 (*)


  Business Ownership 
Enel Generación El Chocón 65,70% 75.6%
Edesur 72,10% 100.0%


  Business Ownership
Enel Distribución Río 99,73% 99.73%
Enel Distribución Ceará 74,05% 74.05%
Enel Distribución Sao Paulo 100,00% 99.75%
EGP Cachoeira Dourada 99,75% 100.0%
EGP Volta Grande 100,00% 99.96%
Enel Trading 100% 100%
EGP Brasil 100% 100%


  Business Ownership 
Enel Colombia 57,34% 48.3%


  Business Ownership 
Enel Distribución Perú 83,15% 83.15%
Enel Generación Perú 83,60% 83.6%
Enel Generación Piura 96,50% 96.5%


1: Enel Colombia owns 99.999%, 100% and 99.97% of EGP Guatemala, EGP Costa Rica and EGP Panama, respectively.
Gx: Generation
Dx: Distribution
Tx: Transmission / Sale
Ox: Gas pipelines and other 
(*) Operating companies of Enel Américas.