ESG Indexes and Ratings

SP Dow Jones

Note: For more details of the indexes, please review the information below.


Main ESG indices and rankings in which Enel Américas participates

S&P Dow Jones Index (DJSI)

In 2022, we were included in the three categories where this index participates (emerging markets, integrated market of the Pacific Alliance (MILA), and Chile) where we scored 87 points, ranking us among the best companies worldwide. In more than 59% of the items we scored over 90 points out of a 100, with outstanding performance in areas such as materiality, political influence, innovation management, environmental reporting, water risk, social reporting, human rights, human capital development, and corporate citizenship and philanthropy.

Sustainability Yearbook 2023

For the fifth consecutive year, we were selected for S&P Global’s Sustainability Yearbook 2023 and for the first time honored in the top 5% category, placing us among the most sustainable companies in our industry worldwide.


We were also honored by the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) with a score of A-, on our second time participating in this voluntary initiative where companies report the actions they take to address climate change. CDP is a recognized notfor-profit organization that using its disclosure framework to assess companies performance in the fight against climate change on a scale of A to D.

MSCI ESG Indexes

Since 2019, we have received an AA rating (with AAA being the highest) as part of the various sustainability stock market indexes offered by this entity. MSCI's ESG assessments aim to measure the long-term financial resilience of companies to material ESG risks.


The London Stock Exchange Sustainability index ranks the best companies according to their performance in areas such as the fight against climate change, governance, respect for human rights and anti-corruption measures. Once again, we were again included in this ranking in the Emerging Markets and Latin America categories, scoring 4.4 out of 5.

Moody’s ESG Solution

This year we improved our standing by 11 points for a total of 67 points (out of 100) in a comprehensive ESG performance evaluation based on public information, aimed at identifying risks and opportunities.


Refinitiv's ESG score measures company ESG performance based on verifiable, publicly available data. It captures and calculates over 630 company-level ESG measures, of which a subset of 186 of the most comparable and material by sector drives the overall company assessment and scoring process. This year we scored 90 out of 100.

First Diagnosis on Business and Human Rights in Chile 

Conducted by the Corporate Sustainability Program of the Universidad Católica Law School in collaboration with the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA), the study included the 29 companies listed on the IPSA. The highest attainable score was 24 points, and we obtained 21.5, putting us in first place alongside Enel Chile.