Santiago April 29, 2021. Enel Americas elected board members for the period 2021-2024 during its ordinary shareholders' meeting, held today. The board of directors will be composed of the following members: Borja Acha Besga, Giulia Genuardi, Francesca Gostinelli and José Antonio Vargas Lleras, as well as independent directors Hernán Sommerville Senn, Patricio Gómez Sabaini, and Domingo Cruzat Amunátegui.
“We congratulate all of the board members that were elected today, especially the two new female directors who will accompany us over the next three years and who we are confident will make an important contribution. We are also pleased with the shareholders' decision to re-elect board members whose term was due to last until 2022,” said Maurizio Bezzeccheri, general manager of Enel Americas.
The election of the company's board of directors, which was triggered by the resignation of Livio Gallo in November, included a list of candidates that were put forward for the position. The list was published ahead of time on the website